Our Heroes

Luboš, the Dad: “Me a hero? I definitely wouldn´t call myself that.” Petr, the son: “The biggest hero? My dad.”

What a pity that the simplest truth often remains hidden from us. Especially from those who love each other the most, like children and their parents. That is why we decided to introduce Březňák as means of easing the communication inside families and improving relationships.

At the beginning, Březňák was a local, North Bohemian beer. Old school all the way through, just like the lives of the men who drank it. Proud, traditional men who, however, were not aware of how special they were for the people around them. And we knew it was time to change it. For those men as well as Březňák.

We based our campaign on celebrating the local fathers. On their strengths and abilities to make it through even during the hardest times – on everything that made them the real HEROES – without their knowing it.

“Dads definitely deserve recognition, but nowadays, somehow, there´s not enough space for children, or sons, especially, to express how they feel about them.”
“We believe that the values by which our fathers have lived are still relevant to young people today. And we know that developing a good relationship takes time.”

For the start, we used the image that little boys project onto their fathers – they see them as superheroes. And we could be sure that this hyperbole worked perfectly in ATL communication. But we needed more. We needed to find the key to why it ever stopped working like this, why fathers of growing boys think they are doing something wrong and why they never see eye to eye with each other.

No, the sons´ image of their superhero fathers does not change throughout life, e–eh. It just somehow gets lost in all the hustle and bustle of everyday events and in the lack of will to maintain a quality communication. That is why the goal of the digital part of the campaign was to encourage the sons to take their fathers out for a beer and really TALK to them.

The second wave of the communication draws on celebrating the older generation as well as what Březňák itself represents – tradition, respect, doing things slowly and the right way. We celebrate the taking time. Because the really good things always take time. As a result of the “Our Heroes” campaign, Březňák is now a national brand.

The campaign generated 1,000,000 YouTube views and increased the brand´s yearly revenues by 10 %. The on-trade market grew by one fifth. We were given Gold Effie and Gold ADC awards for the campaign, but the greatest result was that many of us now take their dads for a beer more often and can finally utter the sentence: “You know, Dad, in my eyes, you have always been a hero.”

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