The Opportunity Beyond the Chaos



In the latest report from VCCP Collaborative, VCCP Media communications strategist, Annabel Eve explains how emerging clusters of wealth across the UK could reward media strategies with the agility to find them.

"The perfect storm of events that has prompted the UK’s collapse in consumer confidence, can easily induce a sense of pessimism and helplessness from a media and advertising perspective. 

But what we can easily forget is that even in the most difficult and unpromising circumstances, there are opportunities for growth that the agile and the forward-thinking can seize. 

For too long we have readily assumed that wealth and affluent high-disposable audiences are concentrated so heavily in the South-East, that we have overlooked emerging clusters of affluence with just as much wealth in different parts of the country. Even in these difficult times, we believe that marketeers who are able to adapt their audience targeting strategies to these opportunities, can achieve competitive benefits which can still be realised in the toughest of economic conditions."

Click here to download the report. 

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